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Discover our latest arrivals designed to redefine style. Elevate your wardrobe with our brand new collection, crafted for modern elegance.

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Brand New Collection

Discover our latest arrivals designed to
redefine style. Elevate your wardrobe with our brand new collection, crafted for modern elegance.

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KiffyGlow Collections


Floral Dress

Audacious Collections

Halo Gown White

Audacious Collections

Halo Gown White

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About the brand KIFFYGLOW EMPIRE

My name is Ifeoma Florence Uzochukwu, I am the creative director and founder of Kiffy Glow Empire. I am a Nigerian-born Fashion Designer, Fashion consultant, stylist and beautician. Kiffy Glow Empire is inspired by culture, nature, love, sustainability and authenticity. “Kiffy” is a storytelling brand that takes you on a journey of creativity, love, togetherness, creativity, happy moments, and the beauty of life and nature. The KIFFY brand features bespoke designs for everyone, colourful fabrics, bold designs with creative design, each telling its story.
When creating my brand, I had happiness, love, and nature in mind because this is what so many people lack in society, I want to creatively tell a story of happy endings using my designs while still portraying the culture and enhancing the beauty of nature. I use mostly eco-friendly fabric, strongly rooted in waste control like my “Audacious collection”. Every piece of clothing and collection is created with the purpose of telling a story and showing the beauty of nature and Africa. I produce outfits which are timeless, decent and fashionable. I am driven by the goal of seeing individuals look elegant, confident and comfortable in their bodies. My brand Kiffy Glow Empire is a blend of cultures in one outfit, most times as Africans we tend to leave our culture and history behind in our pursuit of a better life and greener pastures, my brand is here to remind us all where we came from and that there is always a place for culture in our daily life. My introductory collection called the HALO COLLECTION uses soft nets paired with plain Western fabrics and wooden sticks for the headgear to create a high-value couture piece.